Saturday 14 January 2012

I tried to do handstands for you, I tried to do handstands for you.

Not much has been up with me this week. I've been to college everyday this week, waking up over an hour before I have to go, so I have time to get ready properly and go to the shop and have breakfast and such. To some this won't seem like much, but to someone like me, who was to scared to leave the house for months, it's a big achievement.

Anyway, the point of this blog post today: Winter Clubbing Clothes.
That's right, what are we supposed to wear to a club in the middle of Janurary in less than freezing weather? I am supposed to be going out for my friend's 18th birthday tonight, I can't really be bothered and it's so cold that it puts me off, also Bournemouth is a bit of a chavtastic shit-hole. However, when I first started working with her 2 years ago, she made us all promise to go out for her 18th, she's been waiting 2 years to go out with us guys from work, so I can hardly say no.

Clothing dilemma: They are dressing up... as super heroes.. in Janurary. Luckily I can get out of this as I am leaving straight from work, and so can my other friends, but I know them and I know they will be wearing next to nothing as well, and they will freeze. What I want to wear is my high waisted jeans, boots, and a polar neck. Only problem is sweat marks on the polar neck from the club. So, I've decided on a sheer black blouse instead of the polar neck, but it being sheer doesn't provide much coverage. As you can tell, this is on my mind much more than it should be, but it's good in a way because it stops me thinking about something, or someone else. But this whole thing is ridiculous, I am 19 year old woman, living in the 21st century and I'm still worrying about what is going to look brilliant as hell, but still keep me warm in a club. Whatever happened to dressing for comfort? Was it just a myth?

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